Vision is a gift to be cherished. Maintaining good vision and taking care of our eyes is a relatively simple task for the vast majority. In this section, we will learn the art of taking care of our eyes and ensuring perfect sight for the greater part of our lives.
The number of people with visual problems is truly staggering. In a developed country like the United States, it is estimated that more than two million people lose partial vision every year and almost a quarter of this number become totally blind. The figures in India are expected to be several times more than two million.
In addition to care of the eyes, you can also get information on:
# How the Eye Works
# Common Refractive Problems
# For Spectacles Users
# World without Glasses
# Contact Lens Care
# Computer Vision Syndrome
# Conjunctivitis
# Glaucoma
# Ptosis
# Strabismus
# Retinal Detachment
# Cataract
Why are annual eye examinations important?
Annual eye examinations are strongly recommended for everyone. It also serves as a precaution. The benefits of annual eye examination are that it:
* Detects near and far sightedness at an early stage
* Detects astigmatism
* Detects serious diseases like glaucoma
* Detects cataracts
* Detects systemic diseases like diabetes and hypertension
Children for whom eye check-ups are crucial
The annual eye examination is more important in the case of children. More than 75% of a child's learning in the growing years is accomplished by vision and even a slight impairment in the child's vision can lead to a significant delay in the child's intellectual development. While all children need regular eye check-ups, there are certain groups of children who are at greater risk. These include:
* Children born prematurely
* Children born into a family that has a history of eye problems such as childhood cataracts, mal-aligned eyes , or eye tumours
* Children who have parents with health problems such as diabetes
* Children who have had eye injuries even if the injuries have occurred years ago.
Tips for preserving good sight
Besides an annual eye examination, some simple steps can be followed that can help preserve good sight. They are:
* Avoid meddling with the eyes as far as possible such as rubbing the eyes often, or squeezing them. If there is significant irritation in the eyes, consult your eye doctor.
* Avoid looking directly at the sun, welding electrodes or any other source of very bright, intense light.
* Try to watch television from a minimum of six screen lengths from the set, which is the recommended distance. Also watching television for very long hours every day has been known to cause eyestrain.
* If you have any systemic diseases like hypertension or diabetes, see your eye doctor right away. The eyes are very often damaged in these conditions and early detection and treatment is crucial.
* Do not use excessive eyeliners or other makeup material for the eye. Some of these could irritate and cause problems for the eye.
Common symptoms of eye diseases
Some common symptoms of eye diseases are:
* Diminishing vision. This may be sudden or gradual, persistent or intermittent.
* Redness and irritation in the eyes
* Pain within the eyes or headache
* Double vision
* Watering of or discharge from the eyes
* Flashes of light or sparks in vision
* Sudden prominence of the eyes
* Spots in vision